4th International Congress on Fire in the Earth System: Humans and Nature, June 2-5, 2025

Mission statement

Fire is a key component of the Earth System and humans used as hunters and farmers. In the 21st century, fire is in the forefront of the environmental management and there is a need to find the role fire must play in our landscape. To achieve success, scientists, citizens and practitioners must interact and networking. fEs2024 propose a hybrid conference with scientists, citizens and practitioners to share information, ideas and goals to use fire as a tool to achieve sustainability.

We invite participants with backgrounds such as fire dynamics, fire risk management, fire effects on vegetation, fauna, soil and water, and socio-economic, historical, geographical, political perception and land management approaches. We wish to connect the scientific communities from different regions of the world with the practitioners and citizens that will contribute to see different experiences and will boost the emergence of new approaches to fire research.

fEs2024 will power synergistic collaborations between research groups, citizens and stakeholders. fEs2024 will help to synthesise the existing knowledge, to create fire-resilient landscapes based on integrated approach that include from biological, biochemical and physical research approaches, but also socio-economic, historical, geographical, sociological, perception and policy constraints.

fEs2024 will contribute to prepare society, practitioners and scientists to the intensification and geographical spreading of wildfires under the impact of Climate and Land Use Change. Global Change and fire will be two key actors for the fate of the humankind, and they will be discussed in fEs2024.

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Keynote speakers

José Miguel Cardoso Pereira

Department of Geographic Engineering, Geophysics and Energy, University of Lisbon

Carlos DaCamara

Department of Geographic Engineering, Geophysics and Energy, University of Lisbon

Ine Vandecasteele

Climate Risk and Resilience Unit, European Environment Agency

Fábio Silva

National coordinator, Fire Analysis and Use Group, Portugal

Akli Benali

Researcher, Researcher University of Lisbon

Andrew C. Scott

Distinguished Research Professor in Ancient and Modern Fire Systems, Royal Holloway University of London

Organizing committee

Manuel Pulido Fernández

Universidad de Extremadura

Jesus Barrena-González

Universidad de Extremadura

Artemi Cerdà

Professor in Physical Geography, University of Valencia

Ioannis Daliakopoulos

Assistant Professor, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece

Local organizing committee

  • Francisco Lavado Contador, University of Extremadura
  • Anthony Gabourel Landaverde, University of Extremadura
  • Judit Rubio Delgado, University of Extremadura
  • Gonzalo Fernández de Castro Martínez, TRAGSA
  • Alberto Alfonso Torreño, University of Extremadura

Scientific Committee

  • Marco Turco, University of Murcia
  • Xavier Úbeda, University of Barcelona
  • Jesús Rodrigo-Comino, University of Granada
  • Renata Martins Pacheco, University of Lisbon
  • Stefan Doerr, University of Swansea
  • Juan Carlos Giménez Fernández, University of Extremadura
  • Saskia Keesstra, Senior researcher, Wageningen Environmental Research, Netherlands, Conjoint Associate Professor, University of Newcastle, Australia
  • María Belén Hinojosa, University of Castilla-La Mancha

Universidad de Extremadura
Universidad de Extremadura, Spain