4th International Congress on Fire in the Earth System: Humans and Nature, June 2-5, 2025

Program 2023

Day 1


Preconference day. Guided visit of Granada city by a professor of Human Geography Department (University of Granada) and La Alhambra (https://www.alhambra-patronato.es/en).

Day 2-3


In situ conference with keynotes, oral and poster presentations with sponsor tables and coffee breaks at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters at the University of Granada.


July 5, 2023

July 6, 2023

Poster session

All presentations (oral & poster)

Granada Time / GMT+2

Only presenting author shown here.

9:15Dean and Junta de Andalucía, organizers welcome 
9:30-9:45Keynote speaker 1Marco Turco
9:45-10:00Keynote speaker 2Marta Yebra
 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for WildfiresJesús RC
10:10Automated mapping of U.K. upland burning using Sentinel 2 imagery and Deep Neural NetworksMr Shewring
10:20Capabilities of unmanned aerial vehicles for the classification of forest fuels in Mediterranean environments using machine learning techniquesMr Hoffrén
 Climate-driven changes to wildfiresMarco Turco
10:30The influence of teleconnection patterns on wildland fireMr Qu
10:40Likely future changes in the conducive conditions to the extreme wildfire events in EuropeDr Moghli
10:50Assessing the role of climate change in the rate of spread of wildfires in the Iberian PeninsulaMr Senande-Rivera
11:00Feedbacks on weather via fire-generated aerosols over GreeceMr Rovithakis
 Data-Driven Wildfire Research: From Forests to Health ImpactsFilipa Esteves
11:10Protecting Wildland Firefighters’ Health: saving the lives of those who fight to save usMs Esteves
 Fire and soil hydrologyJesús FG
12:00Monitoring the evolution of fire affected forest and agricultural land after the Los Guajares wildfire September 2022Dr Seeger
12:10Hydrological impacts of wildfires on diverse climatic regionsProf Voulgarakis
 Fire ecology: flora and faunaA. Leverkus
12:20Post-fire regeneration across climate gradientsMr Zomer
12:30Fire intensity effects on soil microbiota in shrub encroached subalpine grasslandsMr Alfaro
12:40Fire-prone animals: adaptive responses in lizardsMr Álvarez-Ruiz
 Fires at the Wildland-Urban-InterfaceN. Fernández
12:50Field observation sheets to identify resilience to forest fires in Chilean Mediterranean landscapesDr Ojeda
13:00Ecosystem Vulnerability analysis to Barcelona wildland-urban interface fires WUICOM – BCNMs Núñez
13:10Characterisation of forest fires in the wildland-urban interface area in Galicia in the year 2022: Fires with an operational situation of risk for the populationsMr Rodríguez Jiménez
 Geospatial maps/products/services in the various phases of wildfire management and decision-makersMarta Yebra
13:20WildFireSat: The Canadian Operational MissionDr de Jong
13:30Creation and implementation of a decision-making tool focused on the automation, scaling, updating and dissemination of
information related to variables that affect the risk and behaviour of fire
Dr Sánchez-
13:45Optimizing Fire Severity Mapping using the Image Compositing Technique: An Assessment of the Effects of the Compositing Period and the Reducing Statistical Method on Fire Severity SignalMs Quintero
13:55Wildfire hazard and social vulnerability on evacuation decision: Methodological proposal applied to municipalities of Central PortugalMr Pinto
14:05Modelling the linkages between structural fire risk and fire impacts in forest areas: the case of Águeda catchmentMs Parente
14:15Assessing the social and biophysical conditions that define pyroregions in mainland PortugalMr Barbosa
16:00Keynote speaker 3Alexander Leverkus
 Fire regime and forest managementElena Marcos
16:15Impact of Fire Frequency and Severity on Post-Fire Recovery and Growth of Mediterranean Serotinous PinesMs Marcos
16:25Fire and predation shape postfire regeneration of Pinus halepensis populationsMs Guiote
 Human & Social Dimensions of WildfireManuel Seeger
16:35Quantifying land fragmentation impacts on fire at global, biome and population scaleMr Bowring
16:45Community-Based Fire Management in East and Southern Africa\’s Savanna-Protected AreasMs Croker
16:55What message do we want to convey? An analysis of the media treatment of largest fires in SpainDr Vázquez Varela
17:05Evacuation priority in the municipality of Alvaiázere: Comparing evacuation models in emergency situationsMs Gonçalves
17:15Between peatlands and fires: livelihoods of peatland communities in Southeast AsiaDr Dermawan

Granada Time / GMT+2

Only presenting author shown here.

Ordered by session and submission ID.

Fire ecology: flora and fauna

ID185: The effect of tree leaf traits and earthworm on burnability of forest floor based on manipulation experiment.
Martinovská Aneta, Frouz Jan

ID203: The impact of wildfire on water resources in the Serra da Estrela Mountain, Central Portugal
Mansilha, C., Melo, A., Ribeiro, J., Martins, V., Espinha-Marques, J.

ID239: Medium-term impact of post-fire straw mulching and tree logging debris treatments on soil bacterial community.
Pinto, Rayo, Ansola, Gemma, Calvo, Leonor, Sáenz de Miera, Luis E.

ID251: A reconstruction of fire and vegetation in Cantabria, northern Iberian Peninsula throughout the Holocene using a multi-proxy approach
Braunthal, Ashley Nicole, Pèlachs Mañosa, Albert, Cunill Artigas, Raquel, Sanchez Morales, Marc, Perez Obiol, Ramon

ID253: Response of soil microbial community to different wildfire history in Pinus pinaster forests: fire recurrence, fire return interval and time since the last fire.
Albert-Belda, Enrique, Hinojosa, M. Belén, Moreno, Jose M.

ID263: Effect of Fire Treatment on Aggregate Stability and Splash Components in Laboratory Condition
Sadeghi, Padideh Sadat, Khaledi Darvishan, Abdulvahed

ID267: Water storage capacity and wettability of ecosystem elements (plants, woody fragments) from post-fire areas
Klamerus-Iwan, Anna, Kwika, Agata, Muñoz Gómez, Casandra, Alcarria Salas, María, Cambronero Ruiz, Laura, Rodrigo-Comino, Jesús, Caballero-Calvo, Andrés

ID275: Plant species impact on runoff and soil erosion in a Mediterranean shrubland
Cerda, A, Javier Cerdà Benito, Francisco Escriva-Saneugenio

ID276: Fire concept at the Degree in Agrifoods and Rural Environmental Engineering. Universitat Politècnica de València and the Degree in Geography and Environmental Sciences at the University of València
Francisco Escriva-Saneugenio, Javier Cerdà-Benito, Artemi Cerdà

Increasing the Resilience to fire and climate change in Europe

Fires at the Wildland-Urban-Interface

ID232: The InduForestFire Project: questioning the current fuel management practices in Portugal and insights for developing fire-smart management strategies
Oliveira, Aline, Silva, Joaquim. S, Pacheco, Miguel, Neves, Ricardo, Fernandes, Paulo

Human & Social Dimensions of Wildfire

ID178: Assessing public preferences for a wildfire mitigation policy in Crete, Greece
Misal, Haleema, Varela, Elsa, Grillakis, Manolis, Rovithakis, Anastasios, Voulgarakis, Apostolos, Kountouris, Ioannis

ID183: Wildland Fire Dispatcher Working Environments
Verble, M. Robin, Thimgan, Matthew, Samarayake, V.A., Hercula, Sarah, Harrell, Jennifer, Held, Michael Bryan, Ragland, Miranda

ID186: Awareness and preparedness of population at wildfire risk
Emilio Nogueira-Moure, María-Luisa Chas-Amil, Julia Touza

ID189: Conditions impacting procedural and operational errors in wildland fire dispatchers
Held, Bryan, Michael, Verble, M Robin, Harrell, Jennifer

ID249: Identifying priority villages for wildfire mitigation based on exposure and vulnerability levels at the local scale
Oliveira, Sandra, Gonçalves, Ana, Barbosa, Bruno, Rocha, Jorge

ID266: Population and major wildfires
Doctor, Alfonso M.

Wildfires today: A scientific and societal challenge

ID231: Deadwood decay across an elevational gradient in a burnt Mediterranean pine reforestation
Reyes-Martín, Marino Pedro, Juan-Ovejero, Raquel, B. Leverkus, Alexandro, Castro, Jorge

ID233: The Role of Dehesas in Fire Management in Extremadura, Spain: An Analysis of Forest Fire Evolution and Agroforestry Systems
Barrena-González, Jesús, Gabourel Landaverde, Anthony, Amine Abdennour, Mohamed, Corzo Gajón, Antonio J., Pulido Fernández, Manuel, Castaño Martín, Francisco M.

ID243: Assessing the Spatial Distribution and Size of Water Bodies for Fighting Forest Fires in Extremadura, Spain
Pulido, M., Barrena-González, J., Amine Abdennour, M., Castaño Martín, F. M., Gabourel Landaverde, A., Corzo Gajón, A., Lavado Contador, J. F., Fernández de Castro Martínez, G.

ID272: Study of the evolution, hazard factors and management of forest fires in Malaga province
González Moreno, María Teresa

Fire and soil hydrology

ID185: The effect of tree leaf traits and earthworm on burnability of forest floor based on manipulation experiment.
Martinovská Aneta, Frouz Jan

ID203: The impact of wildfire on water resources in the Serra da Estrela Mountain, Central Portugal
Mansilha, C., Melo, A., Ribeiro, J., Martins, V., Espinha-Marques, J.

ID239: Medium-term impact of post-fire straw mulching and tree logging debris treatments on soil bacterial community.
Pinto, Rayo, Ansola, Gemma, Calvo, Leonor, Sáenz de Miera, Luis E.

ID251: A reconstruction of fire and vegetation in Cantabria, northern Iberian Peninsula throughout the Holocene using a multi-proxy approach
Braunthal, Ashley Nicole, Pèlachs Mañosa, Albert, Cunill Artigas, Raquel, Sanchez Morales, Marc, Perez Obiol, Ramon

ID253: Response of soil microbial community to different wildfire history in Pinus pinaster forests: fire recurrence, fire return interval and time since the last fire.
Albert-Belda, Enrique, Hinojosa, M. Belén, Moreno, Jose M.

ID263: Effect of Fire Treatment on Aggregate Stability and Splash Components in Laboratory Condition
Sadeghi, Padideh Sadat, Khaledi Darvishan, Abdulvahed

ID267: Water storage capacity and wettability of ecosystem elements (plants, woody fragments) from post-fire areas
Klamerus-Iwan, Anna, Kwika, Agata, Muñoz Gómez, Casandra, Alcarria Salas, María, Cambronero Ruiz, Laura, Rodrigo-Comino, Jesús, Caballero-Calvo, Andrés

ID275: Plant species impact on runoff and soil erosion in a Mediterranean shrubland
Cerda, A, Javier Cerdà Benito, Francisco Escriva-Saneugenio

ID276: Fire concept at the Degree in Agrifoods and Rural Environmental Engineering. Universitat Politècnica de València and the Degree in Geography and Environmental Sciences at the University of València
Francisco Escriva-Saneugenio, Javier Cerdà-Benito, Artemi Cerdà

Landscapes, fire and human perception

Post-fire management and restoration in Mediterranean Europe

ID200: Spatiotemporal trends in burn severity in the last two decades for mainland Portugal
Gonçalves, João, Marcos, Bruno, Honrado, João

Perales Vallejo, Manuel Jesús, Ruiz Sinoga, José Damián

Mora, Juan Luis, Escuer, Marta, Arias, Lorián, Afif-Khouri, Elias, Ortiz, Oriol, Alfaro-Leranoz, Andoni, Badía-Villas, David

ID244: Influence of the intensity of the forest fire and the effects on the properties of the soil, the case of Sierra Mijas (Málaga)
Moreno Alarcón Concepción; Ruiz Sinoga José Damián

Wildfire prevention and nature conservation: National parks in Central Europe

ID231: Deadwood decay across an elevational gradient in a burnt Mediterranean pine reforestation
Reyes-Martín, Marino Pedro, Juan-Ovejero, Raquel, B. Leverkus, Alexandro, Castro, Jorge

ID233: The Role of Dehesas in Fire Management in Extremadura, Spain: An Analysis of Forest Fire Evolution and Agroforestry Systems
Barrena-González, Jesús, Gabourel Landaverde, Anthony, Amine Abdennour, Mohamed, Corzo Gajón, Antonio J., Pulido Fernández, Manuel, Castaño Martín, Francisco M.

ID243: Assessing the Spatial Distribution and Size of Water Bodies for Fighting Forest Fires in Extremadura, Spain
Pulido, M., Barrena-González, J., Amine Abdennour, M., Castaño Martín, F. M., Gabourel Landaverde, A., Corzo Gajón, A., Lavado Contador, J. F., Fernández de Castro Martínez, G.

ID272: Study of the evolution, hazard factors and management of forest fires in Malaga province
González Moreno, María Teresa

Recurrent fires and Geomorphological processes

Rural Challenges, Social Communication and Fire Risk

Post-fire management and restoration in Eastern Europe

ID200: Spatiotemporal trends in burn severity in the last two decades for mainland Portugal
Gonçalves, João, Marcos, Bruno, Honrado, João

Perales Vallejo, Manuel Jesús, Ruiz Sinoga, José Damián

Mora, Juan Luis, Escuer, Marta, Arias, Lorián, Afif-Khouri, Elias, Ortiz, Oriol, Alfaro-Leranoz, Andoni, Badía-Villas, David

ID244: Influence of the intensity of the forest fire and the effects on the properties of the soil, the case of Sierra Mijas (Málaga)
Moreno Alarcón Concepción; Ruiz Sinoga José Damián

Geospatial maps/products/services in the various phases of wildfire management and decision-makers

ID179: A method to evaluate the probability of lightning causing wildfires
Moris, Jose V., Hunt, Hugh G.P., Spadoni, Gian Luca, Ascoli, Davide

ID255: Post-fire malleability analysis in Pinus halepensis ecosystem through multitemporal phenological metrics applied to MODIS GPP (MOD17A2H) product
Adell, Maria, Iranzo, Cristian, Hoffrén, Raúl, Montealegre, Antonio, García-Martín, Alberto, Montorio, Raquel, Longares, Luis Alberto, Pérez-Cabello, Fernando

Wildfire impact and resilient methods of conservation of the natural and built heritage and infrastructure in urban and rural zones

ID231: Deadwood decay across an elevational gradient in a burnt Mediterranean pine reforestation
Reyes-Martín, Marino Pedro, Juan-Ovejero, Raquel, B. Leverkus, Alexandro, Castro, Jorge

ID233: The Role of Dehesas in Fire Management in Extremadura, Spain: An Analysis of Forest Fire Evolution and Agroforestry Systems
Barrena-González, Jesús, Gabourel Landaverde, Anthony, Amine Abdennour, Mohamed, Corzo Gajón, Antonio J., Pulido Fernández, Manuel, Castaño Martín, Francisco M.

ID243: Assessing the Spatial Distribution and Size of Water Bodies for Fighting Forest Fires in Extremadura, Spain
Pulido, M., Barrena-González, J., Amine Abdennour, M., Castaño Martín, F. M., Gabourel Landaverde, A., Corzo Gajón, A., Lavado Contador, J. F., Fernández de Castro Martínez, G.

ID272: Study of the evolution, hazard factors and management of forest fires in Malaga province
González Moreno, María Teresa

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Wildfires

ID207: Wildland fire detection and segmentation on aerial images using a vision transformer approach
Rafik Ghali, Moulay A. Akhloufi

Climate-driven changes to wildfires

Fire regime and forest management

ID185: The effect of tree leaf traits and earthworm on burnability of forest floor based on manipulation experiment.
Martinovská Aneta, Frouz Jan

ID203: The impact of wildfire on water resources in the Serra da Estrela Mountain, Central Portugal
Mansilha, C., Melo, A., Ribeiro, J., Martins, V., Espinha-Marques, J.

ID239: Medium-term impact of post-fire straw mulching and tree logging debris treatments on soil bacterial community.
Pinto, Rayo, Ansola, Gemma, Calvo, Leonor, Sáenz de Miera, Luis E.

ID251: A reconstruction of fire and vegetation in Cantabria, northern Iberian Peninsula throughout the Holocene using a multi-proxy approach
Braunthal, Ashley Nicole, Pèlachs Mañosa, Albert, Cunill Artigas, Raquel, Sanchez Morales, Marc, Perez Obiol, Ramon

ID253: Response of soil microbial community to different wildfire history in Pinus pinaster forests: fire recurrence, fire return interval and time since the last fire.
Albert-Belda, Enrique, Hinojosa, M. Belén, Moreno, Jose M.

ID263: Effect of Fire Treatment on Aggregate Stability and Splash Components in Laboratory Condition
Sadeghi, Padideh Sadat, Khaledi Darvishan, Abdulvahed

ID267: Water storage capacity and wettability of ecosystem elements (plants, woody fragments) from post-fire areas
Klamerus-Iwan, Anna, Kwika, Agata, Muñoz Gómez, Casandra, Alcarria Salas, María, Cambronero Ruiz, Laura, Rodrigo-Comino, Jesús, Caballero-Calvo, Andrés

ID275: Plant species impact on runoff and soil erosion in a Mediterranean shrubland
Cerda, A, Javier Cerdà Benito, Francisco Escriva-Saneugenio

ID276: Fire concept at the Degree in Agrifoods and Rural Environmental Engineering. Universitat Politècnica de València and the Degree in Geography and Environmental Sciences at the University of València
Francisco Escriva-Saneugenio, Javier Cerdà-Benito, Artemi Cerdà

Data-Driven Wildfire Research: From Forests to Health Impacts

ID211: Fire behavior in NW Europe: Spatiotemporal patterns and drivers
Quiñones, Tomás

Pyric Herbivore and Mixed Animal Grazing for Mitigating Threats From Wildfire

Smarter fire management with technology innovation

Wildfires, environmental risks, and the role of management

ID231: Deadwood decay across an elevational gradient in a burnt Mediterranean pine reforestation
Reyes-Martín, Marino Pedro, Juan-Ovejero, Raquel, B. Leverkus, Alexandro, Castro, Jorge

ID233: The Role of Dehesas in Fire Management in Extremadura, Spain: An Analysis of Forest Fire Evolution and Agroforestry Systems
Barrena-González, Jesús, Gabourel Landaverde, Anthony, Amine Abdennour, Mohamed, Corzo Gajón, Antonio J., Pulido Fernández, Manuel, Castaño Martín, Francisco M.

ID243: Assessing the Spatial Distribution and Size of Water Bodies for Fighting Forest Fires in Extremadura, Spain
Pulido, M., Barrena-González, J., Amine Abdennour, M., Castaño Martín, F. M., Gabourel Landaverde, A., Corzo Gajón, A., Lavado Contador, J. F., Fernández de Castro Martínez, G.

ID272: Study of the evolution, hazard factors and management of forest fires in Malaga province
González Moreno, María Teresa

Patterns, projections and specific challenges of forest fires in Central Europe

Ordered by session and submission ID.

Fire ecology: flora and fauna

Oral presentation

ID201: Fire severity overwhelms climate, soil moisture and topography in shaping vegetation recovery trajectories at short-term after fire in Mediterranean communities
Calvo, L., Marcos, E., Fernández-Guisuraga, J.M.

ID204: Impact of Fire Frequency and Severity on Post-Fire Recovery and Growth of Mediterranean Serotinous Pines
Víctor Fernández-García, Leonor Calvo, Elena Marcos

ID208: Monitoring the evolution of fire affected forest and agricultural land after the Los Guajares wildfire September 2022
Seeger, Manuel, Marzolff, Irene, Rodrigo Comino, Jesus, Thiel, Arthur, Schneider, Raimund, Ries, B. Johannes

ID213: Post-fire regeneration across climate gradients
Zomer, A. Maya, Moreira, Bruno, Pausas, G. Juli

Alfaro-Leranoz, Andoni, Escuer, Marta, Quintana, Silvia, Martí-Dalmau, Clara, Badía-Villas, David

ID248: Fire-prone animals: adaptive responses in lizards
Álvarez-Ruiz, Lola, Belliure, Josa, G. Pausas, Juli

ID254: Fitness benefits of fire-stimulated flowering in Mediterranean geophytes
Gegunde, Julia, G. Pausas, Juli, Castellanos, María Clara

ID261: Hydrological impacts of wildfires on diverse climatic regions
Grillakis, Manolis, Voulgarakis, Apostolos

ID274: Fire and predation shape postfire regeneration of Pinus halepensis populations.
Guiote, Carmen

ID278: Soil water repellency in Pinus sp. plantations affected by forest fires in Temperate climatic conditions.
Escriva-Saneugenio, Francisco, Ruiz Fernández, Jesús, Keesstra Saskia D., Ana Pérez-Albarracín, Cerdà, Artemi

ID279: Fire against chipped pruned branches mulches in olive orchards. Their effect on soil hydrology
Pérez-Albarracín, Ana, Salvati, L., Escriva-Saneugenio, Francisco, Cerdà, Artemi

ID280: Fire against chipped pruned branches mulches in olive orchards. Their effect on soil hydrology
Pérez-Albarracín, Ana, Salvati, Luca, Escriva-Saneugenio, Francisco, Cerdà, Artemi

Poster presentation

ID185: The effect of tree leaf traits and earthworm on burnability of forest floor based on manipulation experiment.
Martinovská Aneta, Frouz Jan

ID203: The impact of wildfire on water resources in the Serra da Estrela Mountain, Central Portugal
Mansilha, C., Melo, A., Ribeiro, J., Martins, V., Espinha-Marques, J.

ID239: Medium-term impact of post-fire straw mulching and tree logging debris treatments on soil bacterial community.
Pinto, Rayo, Ansola, Gemma, Calvo, Leonor, Sáenz de Miera, Luis E.

ID251: A reconstruction of fire and vegetation in Cantabria, northern Iberian Peninsula throughout the Holocene using a multi-proxy approach
Braunthal, Ashley Nicole, Pèlachs Mañosa, Albert, Cunill Artigas, Raquel, Sanchez Morales, Marc, Perez Obiol, Ramon

ID253: Response of soil microbial community to different wildfire history in Pinus pinaster forests: fire recurrence, fire return interval and time since the last fire.
Albert-Belda, Enrique, Hinojosa, M. Belén, Moreno, Jose M.

ID263: Effect of Fire Treatment on Aggregate Stability and Splash Components in Laboratory Condition
Sadeghi, Padideh Sadat, Khaledi Darvishan, Abdulvahed

ID267: Water storage capacity and wettability of ecosystem elements (plants, woody fragments) from post-fire areas
Klamerus-Iwan, Anna, Kwika, Agata, Muñoz Gómez, Casandra, Alcarria Salas, María, Cambronero Ruiz, Laura, Rodrigo-Comino, Jesús, Caballero-Calvo, Andrés

ID275: Plant species impact on runoff and soil erosion in a Mediterranean shrubland
Cerda, A, Javier Cerdà Benito, Francisco Escriva-Saneugenio

ID276: Fire concept at the Degree in Agrifoods and Rural Environmental Engineering. Universitat Politècnica de València and the Degree in Geography and Environmental Sciences at the University of València
Francisco Escriva-Saneugenio, Javier Cerdà-Benito, Artemi Cerdà

Increasing the Resilience to fire and climate change in Europe

Oral presentation

ID198: Reducing forest carbon vulnerability to forest wildfires through climate-smart management
Piazza, Natalie, Malanchini, Luca, Vacchiano, Giorgio

ID242: Envisioning a new rural landscape for Centre Region, Portugal
Franco, Luísa, Pena, B. Selma, Magalhães, R. Manuela

Fires at the Wildland-Urban-Interface

Oral presentation

ID170: Field observation sheets to identify resilience to forest fires in Chilean Mediterranean landscapes
carolina ojeda leal, Kay Bergamini

Yemshanov, Denys, Parisien, Marc-Andre, Liu, Ning, Stockdale, Chris, Moore, Brett, Travernini, David, Parks, Jane

ID235: Characterisation of forest fires in the wildland-urban interface area in Galicia in the year 2022: Fires with an operational situation of risk for the populations.
Fernando Rodriguez Jimenez, José Manuel Fernández-Guisuraga, Paulo M. Fernandes, Xana Alvarez, Henrique Lorenzo

ID281: Socioeconomic factors at the base of wildfire risk in peri-urban contexts: the Mediterranean experience, comparing Italy, Spain and Greece
Salvati, L., Serra, Pere, Escriva-Saneugenio, Francisco

Poster presentation

ID232: The InduForestFire Project: questioning the current fuel management practices in Portugal and insights for developing fire-smart management strategies
Oliveira, Aline, Silva, Joaquim. S, Pacheco, Miguel, Neves, Ricardo, Fernandes, Paulo

Human & Social Dimensions of Wildfire

Oral presentation

ID202: Quantifying land fragmentation impacts on fire at global, biome and population scale
Bowring, Simon, Mouillot, Florent, Li, Wei, Ciais, Philippe

ID206: Community-Based Fire Management in East and Southern Africa’s Savanna-Protected Areas
Croker, R. Abigail

ID220: What message do we want to convey? An analysis of the media treatment of largest fires in Spain
Montero, J.A., Martínez-Navarro, J.M., Vázquez-Varela, C.

ID246: Evacuation priority in the municipality of Alvaiázere: Comparing evacuation models in emergency situations
Gonçalves, Ana, Barbosa, Bruno

Poster presentation

ID178: Assessing public preferences for a wildfire mitigation policy in Crete, Greece
Misal, Haleema, Varela, Elsa, Grillakis, Manolis, Rovithakis, Anastasios, Voulgarakis, Apostolos, Kountouris, Ioannis

ID183: Wildland Fire Dispatcher Working Environments
Verble, M. Robin, Thimgan, Matthew, Samarayake, V.A., Hercula, Sarah, Harrell, Jennifer, Held, Michael Bryan, Ragland, Miranda

ID186: Awareness and preparedness of population at wildfire risk
Emilio Nogueira-Moure, María-Luisa Chas-Amil, Julia Touza

ID189: Conditions impacting procedural and operational errors in wildland fire dispatchers
Held, Bryan, Michael, Verble, M Robin, Harrell, Jennifer

ID249: Identifying priority villages for wildfire mitigation based on exposure and vulnerability levels at the local scale
Oliveira, Sandra, Gonçalves, Ana, Barbosa, Bruno, Rocha, Jorge

ID266: Population and major wildfires
Doctor, Alfonso M.

Wildfires today: A scientific and societal challenge

Oral presentation

ID181: Fire impact on soil hydrology in Mediterranean groves and orchards
Francisco Escriva Saneugenio, Enric Terol Esparza, Antonio Giménez-Morera, Xàvier Úbeda, Saskia Keesstra, Artemi Cerdà

ID182: The impact of plant types on water repellency as a consequence of forest fires.
Francisco Escriva Saneugenio, Artemi Cerdà

ID184: Looking for “fire” and “forest fire” concepts in the Spanish Primary School curricula. New Challenges for environmental education
Mar Cerdà-Benito, Francisco Escriva-Saneugenio, Artemi Cerdà

Muñoz-Gómez, Casandra, Rodrigo-Comino, Jesús

Rodrigo-Comino, Jesús, Caballero-Calvo, Andrés, Muñoz-Gómez, Casandra, Alcarria, María, Cambronero, Laura, Rodríguez, José Luis, Serrano Montes, José Luis, Durán Zuazo, Víctor Hugo, Cárceles, Belén, Keesstra, Saskia D., Fernández-Gálvez, Jesús

ID222: The impact of wildfire experience in the adoption of preparedness measures to reduce future losses in industries
Correia, Fernando, Tedim, Fantina

ID227: Investigating the Vulnerability of water reservoirs to post-fire water contamination in Portugal.
Nitzsche, Niels, Dias, Luís, Nunes, P. João, Parente, Joana, Schuurman, Joost

ID234: Identification of potential areas to introduce agroforestry systems as a practice to mitigate wildfires risk in Europe
Barrena González, Jesús, Gabourel Landaverde, Anthony, Castaño Martín, Francisco M., Corzo Gajón, Antonio J., Amine Abdennour, Mohamed, Lavado Contador, J. Francisco, Pulido Fernández, Manuel

ID240: Effectiveness of the dehesa system to prevent and fight against wildfires
Pulido, M., Castaño, F.M., Abdennour, M.A., Barrena-González, J., Gabourel, A., Fernández de Castro, G., Corzo Gajón, A., Lavado Contador, J.F.

ID241: Restoring the sustainability and fire resilience of a forest – a landscape planning approach
Müller, Ana, Cunha, Natália S., Magalhães, Manuela R., Pena, Selma B.

ID245: A Bibliometric Analysis of Forest Fires

ID260: A review on the driver of fires and associated biodiversity impacts in Southeast Asia
Silviana, Sinta

ID264: Fire versus chipped pruned branches impact on soil infiltration in vineyards. The “Els Alforins” study site, Valencia, Spain
Saskia Deborah Keesstra, Jesús Rodrigo-Comino, Artemi Cerdà

ID268: Tourism carrying capacity of Mediterranean natural protected areas based on wildfire safety
Ortega, Macarena, Molina, Juan Ramón

Poster presentation

ID231: Deadwood decay across an elevational gradient in a burnt Mediterranean pine reforestation
Reyes-Martín, Marino Pedro, Juan-Ovejero, Raquel, B. Leverkus, Alexandro, Castro, Jorge

ID233: The Role of Dehesas in Fire Management in Extremadura, Spain: An Analysis of Forest Fire Evolution and Agroforestry Systems
Barrena-González, Jesús, Gabourel Landaverde, Anthony, Amine Abdennour, Mohamed, Corzo Gajón, Antonio J., Pulido Fernández, Manuel, Castaño Martín, Francisco M.

ID243: Assessing the Spatial Distribution and Size of Water Bodies for Fighting Forest Fires in Extremadura, Spain
Pulido, M., Barrena-González, J., Amine Abdennour, M., Castaño Martín, F. M., Gabourel Landaverde, A., Corzo Gajón, A., Lavado Contador, J. F., Fernández de Castro Martínez, G.

ID272: Study of the evolution, hazard factors and management of forest fires in Malaga province
González Moreno, María Teresa

Fire and soil hydrology

Oral presentation

ID201: Fire severity overwhelms climate, soil moisture and topography in shaping vegetation recovery trajectories at short-term after fire in Mediterranean communities
Calvo, L., Marcos, E., Fernández-Guisuraga, J.M.

ID204: Impact of Fire Frequency and Severity on Post-Fire Recovery and Growth of Mediterranean Serotinous Pines
Víctor Fernández-García, Leonor Calvo, Elena Marcos

ID208: Monitoring the evolution of fire affected forest and agricultural land after the Los Guajares wildfire September 2022
Seeger, Manuel, Marzolff, Irene, Rodrigo Comino, Jesus, Thiel, Arthur, Schneider, Raimund, Ries, B. Johannes

ID213: Post-fire regeneration across climate gradients
Zomer, A. Maya, Moreira, Bruno, Pausas, G. Juli

Alfaro-Leranoz, Andoni, Escuer, Marta, Quintana, Silvia, Martí-Dalmau, Clara, Badía-Villas, David

ID248: Fire-prone animals: adaptive responses in lizards
Álvarez-Ruiz, Lola, Belliure, Josa, G. Pausas, Juli

ID254: Fitness benefits of fire-stimulated flowering in Mediterranean geophytes
Gegunde, Julia, G. Pausas, Juli, Castellanos, María Clara

ID261: Hydrological impacts of wildfires on diverse climatic regions
Grillakis, Manolis, Voulgarakis, Apostolos

ID274: Fire and predation shape postfire regeneration of Pinus halepensis populations.
Guiote, Carmen

ID278: Soil water repellency in Pinus sp. plantations affected by forest fires in Temperate climatic conditions.
Escriva-Saneugenio, Francisco, Ruiz Fernández, Jesús, Keesstra Saskia D., Ana Pérez-Albarracín, Cerdà, Artemi

ID279: Fire against chipped pruned branches mulches in olive orchards. Their effect on soil hydrology
Pérez-Albarracín, Ana, Salvati, L., Escriva-Saneugenio, Francisco, Cerdà, Artemi

ID280: Fire against chipped pruned branches mulches in olive orchards. Their effect on soil hydrology
Pérez-Albarracín, Ana, Salvati, Luca, Escriva-Saneugenio, Francisco, Cerdà, Artemi

Poster presentation

ID185: The effect of tree leaf traits and earthworm on burnability of forest floor based on manipulation experiment.
Martinovská Aneta, Frouz Jan

ID203: The impact of wildfire on water resources in the Serra da Estrela Mountain, Central Portugal
Mansilha, C., Melo, A., Ribeiro, J., Martins, V., Espinha-Marques, J.

ID239: Medium-term impact of post-fire straw mulching and tree logging debris treatments on soil bacterial community.
Pinto, Rayo, Ansola, Gemma, Calvo, Leonor, Sáenz de Miera, Luis E.

ID251: A reconstruction of fire and vegetation in Cantabria, northern Iberian Peninsula throughout the Holocene using a multi-proxy approach
Braunthal, Ashley Nicole, Pèlachs Mañosa, Albert, Cunill Artigas, Raquel, Sanchez Morales, Marc, Perez Obiol, Ramon

ID253: Response of soil microbial community to different wildfire history in Pinus pinaster forests: fire recurrence, fire return interval and time since the last fire.
Albert-Belda, Enrique, Hinojosa, M. Belén, Moreno, Jose M.

ID263: Effect of Fire Treatment on Aggregate Stability and Splash Components in Laboratory Condition
Sadeghi, Padideh Sadat, Khaledi Darvishan, Abdulvahed

ID267: Water storage capacity and wettability of ecosystem elements (plants, woody fragments) from post-fire areas
Klamerus-Iwan, Anna, Kwika, Agata, Muñoz Gómez, Casandra, Alcarria Salas, María, Cambronero Ruiz, Laura, Rodrigo-Comino, Jesús, Caballero-Calvo, Andrés

ID275: Plant species impact on runoff and soil erosion in a Mediterranean shrubland
Cerda, A, Javier Cerdà Benito, Francisco Escriva-Saneugenio

ID276: Fire concept at the Degree in Agrifoods and Rural Environmental Engineering. Universitat Politècnica de València and the Degree in Geography and Environmental Sciences at the University of València
Francisco Escriva-Saneugenio, Javier Cerdà-Benito, Artemi Cerdà

Landscapes, fire and human perception

Oral presentation

ID209: Wooden construction, supply difficulties due to the loss of forest mass due to forest fires, among other causes
Garay, M. Rose Marie

ID258: Human perceptions of fire expressed through the arts: a science centre’s journey (so far) of the art-science interface
Ford, Adriana

Post-fire management and restoration in Mediterranean Europe

Oral presentation

ID224: FRISCO: Assessing and managing post-fire risk of water quality contamination
Parente, Joana, Nitzsche, Niels, Dias, Luís, Benali, Akli, Nunes, João Pedro

ID250: Post-fire forest recovery in the framework of precision restoration: what to do and what not to do.
Castro, J.

Poster presentation

ID200: Spatiotemporal trends in burn severity in the last two decades for mainland Portugal
Gonçalves, João, Marcos, Bruno, Honrado, João

Perales Vallejo, Manuel Jesús, Ruiz Sinoga, José Damián

Mora, Juan Luis, Escuer, Marta, Arias, Lorián, Afif-Khouri, Elias, Ortiz, Oriol, Alfaro-Leranoz, Andoni, Badía-Villas, David

ID244: Influence of the intensity of the forest fire and the effects on the properties of the soil, the case of Sierra Mijas (Málaga)
Moreno Alarcón Concepción; Ruiz Sinoga José Damián

Wildfire prevention and nature conservation: National parks in Central Europe

Oral presentation

ID181: Fire impact on soil hydrology in Mediterranean groves and orchards
Francisco Escriva Saneugenio, Enric Terol Esparza, Antonio Giménez-Morera, Xàvier Úbeda, Saskia Keesstra, Artemi Cerdà

ID182: The impact of plant types on water repellency as a consequence of forest fires.
Francisco Escriva Saneugenio, Artemi Cerdà

ID184: Looking for “fire” and “forest fire” concepts in the Spanish Primary School curricula. New Challenges for environmental education
Mar Cerdà-Benito, Francisco Escriva-Saneugenio, Artemi Cerdà

Muñoz-Gómez, Casandra, Rodrigo-Comino, Jesús

Rodrigo-Comino, Jesús, Caballero-Calvo, Andrés, Muñoz-Gómez, Casandra, Alcarria, María, Cambronero, Laura, Rodríguez, José Luis, Serrano Montes, José Luis, Durán Zuazo, Víctor Hugo, Cárceles, Belén, Keesstra, Saskia D., Fernández-Gálvez, Jesús

ID222: The impact of wildfire experience in the adoption of preparedness measures to reduce future losses in industries
Correia, Fernando, Tedim, Fantina

ID227: Investigating the Vulnerability of water reservoirs to post-fire water contamination in Portugal.
Nitzsche, Niels, Dias, Luís, Nunes, P. João, Parente, Joana, Schuurman, Joost

ID234: Identification of potential areas to introduce agroforestry systems as a practice to mitigate wildfires risk in Europe
Barrena González, Jesús, Gabourel Landaverde, Anthony, Castaño Martín, Francisco M., Corzo Gajón, Antonio J., Amine Abdennour, Mohamed, Lavado Contador, J. Francisco, Pulido Fernández, Manuel

ID240: Effectiveness of the dehesa system to prevent and fight against wildfires
Pulido, M., Castaño, F.M., Abdennour, M.A., Barrena-González, J., Gabourel, A., Fernández de Castro, G., Corzo Gajón, A., Lavado Contador, J.F.

ID241: Restoring the sustainability and fire resilience of a forest – a landscape planning approach
Müller, Ana, Cunha, Natália S., Magalhães, Manuela R., Pena, Selma B.

ID245: A Bibliometric Analysis of Forest Fires

ID260: A review on the driver of fires and associated biodiversity impacts in Southeast Asia
Silviana, Sinta

ID264: Fire versus chipped pruned branches impact on soil infiltration in vineyards. The “Els Alforins” study site, Valencia, Spain
Saskia Deborah Keesstra, Jesús Rodrigo-Comino, Artemi Cerdà

ID268: Tourism carrying capacity of Mediterranean natural protected areas based on wildfire safety
Ortega, Macarena, Molina, Juan Ramón

Poster presentation

ID231: Deadwood decay across an elevational gradient in a burnt Mediterranean pine reforestation
Reyes-Martín, Marino Pedro, Juan-Ovejero, Raquel, B. Leverkus, Alexandro, Castro, Jorge

ID233: The Role of Dehesas in Fire Management in Extremadura, Spain: An Analysis of Forest Fire Evolution and Agroforestry Systems
Barrena-González, Jesús, Gabourel Landaverde, Anthony, Amine Abdennour, Mohamed, Corzo Gajón, Antonio J., Pulido Fernández, Manuel, Castaño Martín, Francisco M.

ID243: Assessing the Spatial Distribution and Size of Water Bodies for Fighting Forest Fires in Extremadura, Spain
Pulido, M., Barrena-González, J., Amine Abdennour, M., Castaño Martín, F. M., Gabourel Landaverde, A., Corzo Gajón, A., Lavado Contador, J. F., Fernández de Castro Martínez, G.

ID272: Study of the evolution, hazard factors and management of forest fires in Malaga province
González Moreno, María Teresa

Recurrent fires and Geomorphological processes

Rural Challenges, Social Communication and Fire Risk

Oral presentation

ID194: Wine producers as landscape wildfire stewards against wildfire
Darnay, S., Gorriz, E.

ID205: Going beyond communicating about risk: Learning from community-led wildfire initiatives
Ottolini, Isabeau, Arenas Conejo, Míriam, Rodríguez-Giralt, Israel

Post-fire management and restoration in Eastern Europe

Oral presentation

ID224: FRISCO: Assessing and managing post-fire risk of water quality contamination
Parente, Joana, Nitzsche, Niels, Dias, Luís, Benali, Akli, Nunes, João Pedro

ID250: Post-fire forest recovery in the framework of precision restoration: what to do and what not to do.
Castro, J.

Poster presentation

ID200: Spatiotemporal trends in burn severity in the last two decades for mainland Portugal
Gonçalves, João, Marcos, Bruno, Honrado, João

Perales Vallejo, Manuel Jesús, Ruiz Sinoga, José Damián

Mora, Juan Luis, Escuer, Marta, Arias, Lorián, Afif-Khouri, Elias, Ortiz, Oriol, Alfaro-Leranoz, Andoni, Badía-Villas, David

ID244: Influence of the intensity of the forest fire and the effects on the properties of the soil, the case of Sierra Mijas (Málaga)
Moreno Alarcón Concepción; Ruiz Sinoga José Damián

Geospatial maps/products/services in the various phases of wildfire management and decision-makers

Oral presentation

ID172: WildFireSat: The Canadian Operational Mission
Johntson, M. Joshua, Cantin, S. Alan, McFayden, B. Colin, DeBoer, Stephanie, Dufour, Denis, Lefebvre, Luc, Micael, Miriam, Houde, Genevieve, Thompson, Dan, De Jong, Mark, Crowley, Morgan

ID174: Creation and implementation of a decision-making tool focused on the automation, scaling, updating and dissemination of information related to variables that affect the risk and behaviour of fire.
Sandra Sánchez García

ID196: Risk analysis and mapping for wildfire management in the Aegean Islands of Greece
Kalabokidis, Kostas, Palaiologou, Palaiologos, Vasilakos, Christos, Roussou, Olga, Dimou, Ioannis, Anastasiou, Panagiotis, Kopsacheilis, Vasilis, Athanasis, Nikos

ID215: Optimizing Fire Severity Mapping using the Image Compositing Technique: An Assessment of the Effects of the Compositing Period and the Reducing Statistical Method on Fire Severity Signal.
Quintero, Natalia, Viedma, Olga, José M. Moreno

ID216: Wildfire hazard and social vulnerability on evacuation decision: Methodological proposal applied to municipalities of Central Portugal
Pinto, Carlos, Nunes, Adélia, Figueiredo, Albano

ID221: Digital Mapping Burn Severity in Agricultural and Forestry Land over a Half-Decade Using Sentinel Satellite Images on the Google Earth Engine Platform: A Case Study in Isparta Province
Demir, S., Ba?ayi?it, L.

ID225: Modelling the linkages between structural fire risk and fire impacts in forest areas: the case of Águeda catchment
Parente, Joana, Nitzsche, Niels, Baartman, Jantiene, Nunes, João Pedro

ID247: Assessing the social and biophysical conditions that define pyroregions in mainland Portugal
Barbosa, Bruno, Gonçalves, Ana

Poster presentation

ID179: A method to evaluate the probability of lightning causing wildfires
Moris, Jose V., Hunt, Hugh G.P., Spadoni, Gian Luca, Ascoli, Davide

ID255: Post-fire malleability analysis in Pinus halepensis ecosystem through multitemporal phenological metrics applied to MODIS GPP (MOD17A2H) product
Adell, Maria, Iranzo, Cristian, Hoffrén, Raúl, Montealegre, Antonio, García-Martín, Alberto, Montorio, Raquel, Longares, Luis Alberto, Pérez-Cabello, Fernando

Wildfire impact and resilient methods of conservation of the natural and built heritage and infrastructure in urban and rural zones

Oral presentation

ID181: Fire impact on soil hydrology in Mediterranean groves and orchards
Francisco Escriva Saneugenio, Enric Terol Esparza, Antonio Giménez-Morera, Xàvier Úbeda, Saskia Keesstra, Artemi Cerdà

ID182: The impact of plant types on water repellency as a consequence of forest fires.
Francisco Escriva Saneugenio, Artemi Cerdà

ID184: Looking for “fire” and “forest fire” concepts in the Spanish Primary School curricula. New Challenges for environmental education
Mar Cerdà-Benito, Francisco Escriva-Saneugenio, Artemi Cerdà

Muñoz-Gómez, Casandra, Rodrigo-Comino, Jesús

Rodrigo-Comino, Jesús, Caballero-Calvo, Andrés, Muñoz-Gómez, Casandra, Alcarria, María, Cambronero, Laura, Rodríguez, José Luis, Serrano Montes, José Luis, Durán Zuazo, Víctor Hugo, Cárceles, Belén, Keesstra, Saskia D., Fernández-Gálvez, Jesús

ID222: The impact of wildfire experience in the adoption of preparedness measures to reduce future losses in industries
Correia, Fernando, Tedim, Fantina

ID227: Investigating the Vulnerability of water reservoirs to post-fire water contamination in Portugal.
Nitzsche, Niels, Dias, Luís, Nunes, P. João, Parente, Joana, Schuurman, Joost

ID234: Identification of potential areas to introduce agroforestry systems as a practice to mitigate wildfires risk in Europe
Barrena González, Jesús, Gabourel Landaverde, Anthony, Castaño Martín, Francisco M., Corzo Gajón, Antonio J., Amine Abdennour, Mohamed, Lavado Contador, J. Francisco, Pulido Fernández, Manuel

ID240: Effectiveness of the dehesa system to prevent and fight against wildfires
Pulido, M., Castaño, F.M., Abdennour, M.A., Barrena-González, J., Gabourel, A., Fernández de Castro, G., Corzo Gajón, A., Lavado Contador, J.F.

ID241: Restoring the sustainability and fire resilience of a forest – a landscape planning approach
Müller, Ana, Cunha, Natália S., Magalhães, Manuela R., Pena, Selma B.

ID245: A Bibliometric Analysis of Forest Fires

ID260: A review on the driver of fires and associated biodiversity impacts in Southeast Asia
Silviana, Sinta

ID264: Fire versus chipped pruned branches impact on soil infiltration in vineyards. The “Els Alforins” study site, Valencia, Spain
Saskia Deborah Keesstra, Jesús Rodrigo-Comino, Artemi Cerdà

ID268: Tourism carrying capacity of Mediterranean natural protected areas based on wildfire safety
Ortega, Macarena, Molina, Juan Ramón

Poster presentation

ID231: Deadwood decay across an elevational gradient in a burnt Mediterranean pine reforestation
Reyes-Martín, Marino Pedro, Juan-Ovejero, Raquel, B. Leverkus, Alexandro, Castro, Jorge

ID233: The Role of Dehesas in Fire Management in Extremadura, Spain: An Analysis of Forest Fire Evolution and Agroforestry Systems
Barrena-González, Jesús, Gabourel Landaverde, Anthony, Amine Abdennour, Mohamed, Corzo Gajón, Antonio J., Pulido Fernández, Manuel, Castaño Martín, Francisco M.

ID243: Assessing the Spatial Distribution and Size of Water Bodies for Fighting Forest Fires in Extremadura, Spain
Pulido, M., Barrena-González, J., Amine Abdennour, M., Castaño Martín, F. M., Gabourel Landaverde, A., Corzo Gajón, A., Lavado Contador, J. F., Fernández de Castro Martínez, G.

ID272: Study of the evolution, hazard factors and management of forest fires in Malaga province
González Moreno, María Teresa

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Wildfires

Oral presentation

ID169: Automated mapping of U.K. upland burning using Sentinel 2 imagery and Deep Neural Networks
Mike Shewring, David Douglas

ID223: Capabilities of unmanned aerial vehicles for the classification of forest fuels in Mediterranean environments using machine learning techniques
Raúl Hoffrén, María Teresa Lamelas, Juan de la Riva

Poster presentation

ID207: Wildland fire detection and segmentation on aerial images using a vision transformer approach
Rafik Ghali, Moulay A. Akhloufi

Climate-driven changes to wildfires

Oral presentation

ID173: The influence of teleconnection patterns on wildland fire
Yuquan Qu,, Carsten Montzka, Harry Vereecken

Andrina Gincheva, Marco Turco, The ONFIRE group

ID230: Likely future changes in the conducive conditions to the extreme wildfire events in Europe.
Aymen Moghli, Konstantinos V. Varotsos, Anna Karali, Lluis Brotons, Christos Giannakopoulos, Andrea Duane

ID238: Assessing the role of climate change in the rate of spread of wildfires in the Iberian Peninsula
Senande-Rivera, Martín, Insua-Costa, Damián, Miguez-Macho, Gonzalo

ID262: Feedbacks on weather via fire-generated aerosols over Greece
Rovithakis, Anastasios, Voulgarakis, Apostolos

Fire regime and forest management

Oral presentation

ID201: Fire severity overwhelms climate, soil moisture and topography in shaping vegetation recovery trajectories at short-term after fire in Mediterranean communities
Calvo, L., Marcos, E., Fernández-Guisuraga, J.M.

ID204: Impact of Fire Frequency and Severity on Post-Fire Recovery and Growth of Mediterranean Serotinous Pines
Víctor Fernández-García, Leonor Calvo, Elena Marcos

ID208: Monitoring the evolution of fire affected forest and agricultural land after the Los Guajares wildfire September 2022
Seeger, Manuel, Marzolff, Irene, Rodrigo Comino, Jesus, Thiel, Arthur, Schneider, Raimund, Ries, B. Johannes

ID213: Post-fire regeneration across climate gradients
Zomer, A. Maya, Moreira, Bruno, Pausas, G. Juli

Alfaro-Leranoz, Andoni, Escuer, Marta, Quintana, Silvia, Martí-Dalmau, Clara, Badía-Villas, David

ID248: Fire-prone animals: adaptive responses in lizards
Álvarez-Ruiz, Lola, Belliure, Josa, G. Pausas, Juli

ID254: Fitness benefits of fire-stimulated flowering in Mediterranean geophytes
Gegunde, Julia, G. Pausas, Juli, Castellanos, María Clara

ID261: Hydrological impacts of wildfires on diverse climatic regions
Grillakis, Manolis, Voulgarakis, Apostolos

ID274: Fire and predation shape postfire regeneration of Pinus halepensis populations.
Guiote, Carmen

ID278: Soil water repellency in Pinus sp. plantations affected by forest fires in Temperate climatic conditions.
Escriva-Saneugenio, Francisco, Ruiz Fernández, Jesús, Keesstra Saskia D., Ana Pérez-Albarracín, Cerdà, Artemi

ID279: Fire against chipped pruned branches mulches in olive orchards. Their effect on soil hydrology
Pérez-Albarracín, Ana, Salvati, L., Escriva-Saneugenio, Francisco, Cerdà, Artemi

ID280: Fire against chipped pruned branches mulches in olive orchards. Their effect on soil hydrology
Pérez-Albarracín, Ana, Salvati, Luca, Escriva-Saneugenio, Francisco, Cerdà, Artemi

Poster presentation

ID185: The effect of tree leaf traits and earthworm on burnability of forest floor based on manipulation experiment.
Martinovská Aneta, Frouz Jan

ID203: The impact of wildfire on water resources in the Serra da Estrela Mountain, Central Portugal
Mansilha, C., Melo, A., Ribeiro, J., Martins, V., Espinha-Marques, J.

ID239: Medium-term impact of post-fire straw mulching and tree logging debris treatments on soil bacterial community.
Pinto, Rayo, Ansola, Gemma, Calvo, Leonor, Sáenz de Miera, Luis E.

ID251: A reconstruction of fire and vegetation in Cantabria, northern Iberian Peninsula throughout the Holocene using a multi-proxy approach
Braunthal, Ashley Nicole, Pèlachs Mañosa, Albert, Cunill Artigas, Raquel, Sanchez Morales, Marc, Perez Obiol, Ramon

ID253: Response of soil microbial community to different wildfire history in Pinus pinaster forests: fire recurrence, fire return interval and time since the last fire.
Albert-Belda, Enrique, Hinojosa, M. Belén, Moreno, Jose M.

ID263: Effect of Fire Treatment on Aggregate Stability and Splash Components in Laboratory Condition
Sadeghi, Padideh Sadat, Khaledi Darvishan, Abdulvahed

ID267: Water storage capacity and wettability of ecosystem elements (plants, woody fragments) from post-fire areas
Klamerus-Iwan, Anna, Kwika, Agata, Muñoz Gómez, Casandra, Alcarria Salas, María, Cambronero Ruiz, Laura, Rodrigo-Comino, Jesús, Caballero-Calvo, Andrés

ID275: Plant species impact on runoff and soil erosion in a Mediterranean shrubland
Cerda, A, Javier Cerdà Benito, Francisco Escriva-Saneugenio

ID276: Fire concept at the Degree in Agrifoods and Rural Environmental Engineering. Universitat Politècnica de València and the Degree in Geography and Environmental Sciences at the University of València
Francisco Escriva-Saneugenio, Javier Cerdà-Benito, Artemi Cerdà

Data-Driven Wildfire Research: From Forests to Health Impacts

Oral presentation

ID270: Protecting Wildland Firefighters’ Health: saving the lives of those who fight to save us
Esteves, Filipa, Madureira, Joana, Pires, Joana, Teixeira, João Paulo, Costa, Solange

ID273: How to mitigate firefighters’ occupational exposure in non-fire settings?
Madureira, Joana, Esteves, Filipa, Pires, Joana, Teixeira, João Paulo, Costa, Solange

Poster presentation

ID211: Fire behavior in NW Europe: Spatiotemporal patterns and drivers
Quiñones, Tomás

Pyric Herbivore and Mixed Animal Grazing for Mitigating Threats From Wildfire

Oral presentation

ID190: Pyric herbivory: Developing a landscape level application of the fire-grazing interaction
Fuhlendorf, D. Samuel

ID192: The Prairie Project: Restoring Grasslands in the Great Plains with Fire and Grazing
Wilcox, P. Bradford

ID210: An integrated education-extension approach for developing agents of change and innovations to affect cultural change – Promoting adoption and public support of pyric herbivory and multi-species grazing
Wu, X. Ben, Dixon, Sakina, Goodman. Laura, Treadwell, Morgan, Poling, Nate, Keshwani, Jenny, Ingram, Erin, Yockers, Bryan, Macik, Maria

ID226: Developing Learning Experiences to Increase Student Understanding of Rangeland Ecosystem Services and the Essential Role of Fire and Herbivory
Yockers, Bryan, Ingram, Erin, Keshwani, Jenny, Poling, Nate, Dixon, Sakina, Macik, Maria, Goodman, Laura, Treadwell, Morgan, Wu, Ben

ID252: Open2preserve, SUMHAL, Pyriclab and COMPAS: four pyric herbivory projects in South Spain.
Ramos-Font, M.E., Pérez-Luque, A.J., Tognetti-Barbieri, M.J., Canals, R.M., Yebra, R.T., Benítez E., Senra F., Robles, A.B.

Smarter fire management with technology innovation

Wildfires, environmental risks, and the role of management

Oral presentation

ID181: Fire impact on soil hydrology in Mediterranean groves and orchards
Francisco Escriva Saneugenio, Enric Terol Esparza, Antonio Giménez-Morera, Xàvier Úbeda, Saskia Keesstra, Artemi Cerdà

ID182: The impact of plant types on water repellency as a consequence of forest fires.
Francisco Escriva Saneugenio, Artemi Cerdà

ID184: Looking for “fire” and “forest fire” concepts in the Spanish Primary School curricula. New Challenges for environmental education
Mar Cerdà-Benito, Francisco Escriva-Saneugenio, Artemi Cerdà

Muñoz-Gómez, Casandra, Rodrigo-Comino, Jesús

Rodrigo-Comino, Jesús, Caballero-Calvo, Andrés, Muñoz-Gómez, Casandra, Alcarria, María, Cambronero, Laura, Rodríguez, José Luis, Serrano Montes, José Luis, Durán Zuazo, Víctor Hugo, Cárceles, Belén, Keesstra, Saskia D., Fernández-Gálvez, Jesús

ID222: The impact of wildfire experience in the adoption of preparedness measures to reduce future losses in industries
Correia, Fernando, Tedim, Fantina

ID227: Investigating the Vulnerability of water reservoirs to post-fire water contamination in Portugal.
Nitzsche, Niels, Dias, Luís, Nunes, P. João, Parente, Joana, Schuurman, Joost

ID234: Identification of potential areas to introduce agroforestry systems as a practice to mitigate wildfires risk in Europe
Barrena González, Jesús, Gabourel Landaverde, Anthony, Castaño Martín, Francisco M., Corzo Gajón, Antonio J., Amine Abdennour, Mohamed, Lavado Contador, J. Francisco, Pulido Fernández, Manuel

ID240: Effectiveness of the dehesa system to prevent and fight against wildfires
Pulido, M., Castaño, F.M., Abdennour, M.A., Barrena-González, J., Gabourel, A., Fernández de Castro, G., Corzo Gajón, A., Lavado Contador, J.F.

ID241: Restoring the sustainability and fire resilience of a forest – a landscape planning approach
Müller, Ana, Cunha, Natália S., Magalhães, Manuela R., Pena, Selma B.

ID245: A Bibliometric Analysis of Forest Fires

ID260: A review on the driver of fires and associated biodiversity impacts in Southeast Asia
Silviana, Sinta

ID264: Fire versus chipped pruned branches impact on soil infiltration in vineyards. The “Els Alforins” study site, Valencia, Spain
Saskia Deborah Keesstra, Jesús Rodrigo-Comino, Artemi Cerdà

ID268: Tourism carrying capacity of Mediterranean natural protected areas based on wildfire safety
Ortega, Macarena, Molina, Juan Ramón

Poster presentation

ID231: Deadwood decay across an elevational gradient in a burnt Mediterranean pine reforestation
Reyes-Martín, Marino Pedro, Juan-Ovejero, Raquel, B. Leverkus, Alexandro, Castro, Jorge

ID233: The Role of Dehesas in Fire Management in Extremadura, Spain: An Analysis of Forest Fire Evolution and Agroforestry Systems
Barrena-González, Jesús, Gabourel Landaverde, Anthony, Amine Abdennour, Mohamed, Corzo Gajón, Antonio J., Pulido Fernández, Manuel, Castaño Martín, Francisco M.

ID243: Assessing the Spatial Distribution and Size of Water Bodies for Fighting Forest Fires in Extremadura, Spain
Pulido, M., Barrena-González, J., Amine Abdennour, M., Castaño Martín, F. M., Gabourel Landaverde, A., Corzo Gajón, A., Lavado Contador, J. F., Fernández de Castro Martínez, G.

ID272: Study of the evolution, hazard factors and management of forest fires in Malaga province
González Moreno, María Teresa

Patterns, projections and specific challenges of forest fires in Central Europe

Day 4


Postconference fieldtrip II to the Baetic Experimental Plot (www.egemap.eu) and Valle de Lecrín/Sierra Nevada forest fire site.

Day 5


Postconference fieldtrip I to Los Guájares forest fire site.