4th International Congress on Fire in the Earth System: Humans and Nature, June 2-5, 2025

Forest fires impact on runoff generation and sediment delivery

03 Jun 2024

Forest fires impact on runoff generation and sediment delivery

Forest fires reduce the vegetation cover, create a layer of ash, and change the soil properties. As a consequence of those changes, fire induces an increase in soil and water delivery. This disturbance caused by the fire is temporal as soon the ash will be washed or diluted, the vegetation will recover, and the soil properties will change. The window of disturbance of a fire in forest, scrublands and meadows can last few year or even decades, and the impact can be negligible but also can be catastrophic. This scientific session welcome research papers on pedon, slope and watershed scale that will bring information about the impact of forest fires on sediment and water delivery. We propose a poster and oral presentation with a key note speaker that will introduce the State-of-the-Art and will guide a discussion about the measurements and models we apply, and the solutions to reduce the impact of the forest fires as source of sediments and water.