Carlos C. DaCamara, BSc in Physics (1979) and License in Geophysics (1981) by the University of Lisbon (Portugal), and PhD in Atmospheric Science (1991) by the University of Missouri-Columbia (USA). He is an Associate Professor at the Department of Geographic Engineering, Geophysics and Energy at the University of Lisbon where he has been lecturing a wide range of subjects in the fields of Meteorology, Climatology, Physics and Remote Sensing. His research encompasses a variety of fields that include active fire monitoring and burned area mapping by satellite, the retrieval of land surface temperature and emissivity using information from satellite, the short and medium range assessment of meteorological fire risk, the recovery of vegetation after large wild fires, the meteorological conditions associated to extreme events (e.g. droughts, heat waves) and the activity of planetary waves in the atmosphere and its impact on climate variability. He has authored/co-authored over one hundred publications in ISI journals and has supervised 20 PhD theses and a large number of MSc dissertations. He is a member of Instituto Dom Luiz (IDL) and was vice-president of the Portuguese Institute of Meteorology (2003-2005).